Healthcare is changing and changing rapidly. Physicians and other healthcare providers are caught up in this change, many feel helpless as a result.

Burnout is one of the outcomes of rapid fire change.

I have personally felt the sense of helplessness as a physician and experienced a burnout of my own before I hired a coach.

Physician leadership became a fun challenge, a daily responsibility I looked forward to with a purpose I saw more clearly.

When it was time to move on from physician leadership, coaching helped clarify my core values and align my life’s purpose with my new career choice: a life and leadership coach for physicians and other healthcare providers.

The unique pressures of medicine has an impact on marriages, including my own. Coaching enabled me to overcome the pressures and establish a harmony in my marriage and profession.

Nationally, marriages of physicians suffer from a lower rate in happiness, regardless of the lower divorce rate.

The time tested, scientifically based tools I use can reverse this trend. Coaching can be your key to a happier marriage.

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